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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  November 2, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good morning, america. and happening now, a new storm threat for the east coast next week, as temperatures plunge to near-freezing in the disaster zone. desperation growing. no heat, no power, sending these people into dumpsters for food in downtown new york. running on empty. the massive gas shortage reaches a new crisis point, as fistfights erupt and guns are pulled at the pump. >> i have no power at home. i can't get gas. and i'm waiting over three hours. what's wrong with this country? >> fuel running out for ambulances and police. mystery winner. the mom who scored the $23 million golden ticket and didn't know it until her daughter spotted her picture on tv. where she found the ticket at
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the very last minute. ♪ let's hear it for new jersey the stars rise up for sandy survivors. emotional tributes by country stars last night at the cmas. and heart wrenching moments on stage from the boss. his message for all the victims of the storm. ♪ rise up come on, rise up ♪ good morning, everyone. and some real drama from bruce springsteen. what an emotional tribute to his home state. there he is, singing "city of ruins." new jersey hit so hard by this storm. and bruce springsteen, obviously, so moved. >> you can tell. >> it sure does. robin's home recovering.
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hope she's doing well this morning. amy robach is here. >> thanks so much. and the toll of the devastation of sandy is becoming more and more clear with the pictures this morning. at least 92 dead. 3.8 million customers out of power. and here's the tough part. power could be out for weeks for so many. that is a tough situation. >> it sure is. a lot of people just don't know. and so many people separated from their pets during the storm, are now being reunited. we have stunning pictures from the new york aquarium, where 12,000 animals may need to be evacuated if the facility doesn't get power soon. they're hoping it's there by the weekend. and sam is tracking the storm and the unfolding disaster all day, all night. and in the middle of the chaos and shattered lives, sam, a possible nor'easter now brewing? you're in downtown new york with the latest on that. >> we have so much to update folks on. there's a real chill in the air this morning. look at the builds in lower
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manhattan. they're still out of power, as is so much of the area that was covered by sandy. there's one immediate concern. that's the cold air that starts to move in this weekend. on our forecast map, you see the three-day cold spell with this air pushing in, right into the weekend. and by the way, these are low temperatures. they're city low temperatures. areas outside the city will see the freezing mark over the weekend. and over the next few days you'll hear about a storm on the coastline, possible developing. this is a classic nor'easter. it's less powerful. it has no comparison to what you've been through with sandy. but what it does do is puts wind, rain, cold air back into the area that's trying to survive. and that's going to be brutal for people to take who have no food, no power, no gas, and are running out of patience. as next week's forecast includes more cold air, wind and rain, people living in the aftermath of sandy are angry. >> when is the government
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coming? >> reporter: some feeling, they've been left out in the cold. >> to get heat. we're going to die. if we get killed with the weather, we're going to die. we're going to freeze. >> reporter: on staten island, some are calling themselves the forgotten borough. and there's frustration and desperation. >> we lost everything. i mean, you should have seen. try hard. you go to work every day. you do the best you can. >> reporter: of the 90 total storm dead, 20 have been here. in one manhattan neighborhood, photographers captured people diving into dumpsters, reportedly to retrieve food thrown out by a restaurant. along with the growing anger, there's lengthening lines for everything. people waiting for buses to go home. >> no one knew where to go. it was completely chaos. >> reporter: lines for fuel are even longer. >> three hours. >> reporter: gas shortages are now reaching crisis levels. few stations are open. and those that are, can't meet
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the demand. drivers are running out of gas and out of patience. >> i have no power at home. i can't get gas. and i'm waiting over three hours. what's wrong with this country? >> reporter: sandy is on track to be the second costliest storm in u.s. history. some estimates say it may cost some $50 billion to rebuild. with more than 4.1 million customers still without power across a dozen states, temperatures are expected to dip into the mid to upper 30s over the weekend. this morning, "the wall street journal" reports fema has generators sitting in storage. while families like this mother and daughter, living 17 flights up, are without power. telling our diane sawyer, their water is now running out, too. >> that's all the water we have left. >> it's almost gone. >> the feeling is, for a disaster this large, there should be an all-hands on deck feeling. and every generator, within thousands of miles, should be helping people who are without power and who are in need. and this picture from the new york post this morning,
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tells another story. look at the giant generators. these things are huge. and right now, they're sitting, unplugged, not being used, outside of where the new york city marathon will be in central park. and a lot of people are asking the questions that, shouldn't every generator be plugged in and giving lights and power to the people that need it? >> boy, you're right about that. a lot of people very angry about that decision. we're going to look at the gas lines all across the region right now. one of the reasons so many communities are on-edge, as millions, sam pointed out, face a fifth day without power, as the temperature is dropping and basic supplies is running low. one of the hard-hit communities, rockaway, new york, and linsey davis reports from there this morning. >> reporter: it is a mess out here, george. we witnessed that for ourselves firsthand last night. on top of everything else these people are dealing with, there's stuff like this. the roads are covered in sand, which makes it rather treacherous coming in and out. in the daylight, it's easy to
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see the scope of the devastation. but in order to really feel it, it takes being here in the dark. for those who never left the rack rockaways, there's a real sense of being stuck. anger and a feeling of abandonment are mounting. >> we're not sitting around singing "kumbaya." this is a dangerous situation. and it's a real dangerous place in the dark. >> reporter: many of the residents we spent the night with, said they never felt more in the shadows of manhattan until now. a feeling of isolation that intensifies at night. for this family, a bit of relief arrived thursday night. how relieved are you to have a generator? >> it's nice to have light. >> reporter: but they're afraid of running out of fuel. what's been the most difficult part about all this? >> i think that the isolation that you feel here. you feel like nobody knows what's going on. >> reporter: it is 11:00, 48 degrees. and the temperature continues to drop. i wish there was a way to
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communicate how eerie it is on this block. the houses are pitch-black. they're staying here to protect what they have left from looters. safety's also a concern for katie richardson, who moved here from louisiana. she's bound to stay here alone. something she's endured before, during hurricane katrina. >> i know what bad damage looks like. my katrina house, all the way up to the ceiling. >> reporter: katie and her neighbors have created a support system of sorts. >> just all closer together. >> reporter: they meet up every night and talk and eat by candlelight. >> without you, i'd be lost. >> reporter: but warm thoughts aren't enough. and many here now fear things will only get worse as the nights grow colder. talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. this car sandwiched between a utility pole. and this is the boardwalk. some people say they've heard they're not going to get power restored for another month. we kept hearing, where is fema? where is the red cross? where are the elected officials?
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>> it's heartbreaking, linsey. there's questions about whether the devastation from sandy could be prevented from happening again. some say it's possible, looking to places around the world, special sea barriers made to protect cities. john muller is in new york, where the storm surge hit so hard. john, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, amy. earlier this week, i would be underwater. much of lower manhattan was. it's dry. the storm has passed. it's easy to say it's behind us. it's not. make no mistake. it's just a matter of time before another storm hits. this is one of the problems, an aging infrastructure. this is the seawall. from a bygone era. experts say there's a way to prevent this. they say it's time to spend billions to save billions. experts now wonder if the massive storm surge that flooded lower manhattan and washed away parts of the jersey shore, could have been solved by sea
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barriers. some say that staten island began as a natural barrier island, but it became an urban landscape, taking away this natural shield. now, engineers are proposing massive shields like these walls. flood protections that were once considered unnecessary, are now being reconsidered after sandy's 14-foot surge. >> anybody who says there's not a dramatic change i weather patterns, i think is denying reality. >> reporter: oceanography professor says -- the barriers are high-tech. and one, the wall lays flat on the harbor, pivoted up when they need to protect against storm surge. they've proved effective in other regions, like in london and the netherlands.
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but one proposal runs upwards of $6 billion. and skeptics say the massive barriers may not work on long sttches of coastline, like the new jersey shore. >> when you have an enormous harbor like we do, and long island sound, even if it's a fortune, it seems to me you won't get much value for it. >> reporter: many are saying it's time to consider new ideas. and only adding to the problem, barrier islands, like staten island, not too far out there. it doesn't act like a natural barrier island, soaking up water like a sponge, because it's paved over. the debate will only continue. >> it will, john. the race for the white house now. it's "your voice, your vote" with just four days to go. both candidates going all-out. and the final question into this final weekend. today's jobs report, the last one before election day, boost obama? or bolster romney's claims on
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the economy? jake tapper is in ohio. good morning, jake. >> reporter: good morning from a barn outside columbus, george. that's right, with this race so close here in ohio, any major event could tip undecideds or soft voters into the obama camp or the romney camp. so, all eyes are on the jobs report in this nail-biter of an election. stumping for votes, the candidates leave no stone unturned. in west virginia, romney was heckled. >> what about the climate? that's what caused the storm. >> reporter: he did some heckling of his own against the president. >> the president said he was going to consider putting in place a secretary of business. i don't think that what we need is another government bureaucrat that supposedly knows something about job creation. i think it would be helpful to have a president that actually understands job creation. >> reporter: as the president did in green bay, vegas, and boulder. fresh from hurricane sandy, he
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talked unity. >> there's no democrats or republicans dung a storm. just fellow americans. >> reporter: but minutes after he profiled bipartisan, he launched some attacks of his own. >> governor romney's been using all of his talents as a salesman, to dress up the very same policies that failed our country so badly. the very same policies we've been cleaning up after over these last four years. >> reporter: the president is heralding endorsements, including one from inspect mayor mike bloomberg, who has cited hurricane sandy and the need to combat climate change. surrogates are in high use. >> he can't run on his record. >> women are coming to us saying they're hurting. >> you want to run for the top, you should vote for barack obama. >> reporter: vice president biden popped up on letterman last night, touting the good things about voting early. >> if you vote early, you don't have to pay taxes. i'm sorry. i'm being told that's not
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accurate. >> reporter: talking to people in each campaign, george, it's like talking to people on two different planets. both predict victory here in ohio and nationally. and both project different turnout scenarios on tuesday. we'll find out who is right tuesday night, george. >> we certainly will, jake. thanks very much. let's turn to matt dowd for more on this, our political contributor. the jobs report, make much difference? >> the economy is already in at this point in the game. the last six months are baked in the perception. i think the jobs report won't have a dramatic effect on this election. >> we see mitt romney in the state of pennsylvania, hasn't gone republican since 1988. democrats say it's desperation. >> hail mary pass for him. he's having a difficult time winning ohio. if he doesn't win ohio, he has to find another route. it's very unlikely that he wins pennsylvania and loses ohio. >> you think it's breaking for obama? >> i think the trajectory has
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slowly moved to the president after sandy. i think it's moved to him. mitt romney has 48 hours to adjust that. and this week is huge for mitt romney. >> we'll be watching. joining us sunday on "this week." our entire election team. and tuesday night, diane sawyer and i will be here all night long at election headquarters. we'll have a full report as the votes are counted. the animals, so many caught up in hurricane sandy. owners separated from their pets in all of the chaos and destruction. and now, finding lost pets can be a huge challenge. abc's paula far has been following how social media is leading to those reunions. >> reporter: in the chaos and confusion of sandy, as families fled and entire towns evacuated, some were left behind. beloved pets, lost in moments of panic. your dogs mean what to you? >> don't get me on that. they're my life. they're like my family. >> reporter: this morning, new jersey resident jeanie
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johnson's dogs are home, after a harrowing night. >> i let my dogs out for a last run. when i called for the dogs to come back, i realized the fence was down. >> reporter: johnson sat in her car monday, charged her phone and posted their picture on a local blog. then, she waited. one of thousands of owners hoping to reunite with their animals thanks to social media. on this facebook page, hurricane sandy lost and found pets" reports by the seconds. dogs, birds, cats missing. and lack of power is threatening to displace 12,000 animals in the new york aquarium, from walruses, sharks, and even this seal. a few days ago, he saw johnson's post. he heard howls. shortly after midnight, he found johnson sitting in her car and returned her dogs. >> pretty emotional. >> reporter: this reunion proves that even in broken communitie
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there are small miracles in the aftermath of the storm. >> there's more good in people than bad. and we are just incredibly blessed. >> reporter: now, many animals are turning up in shelters that don't have proper identification. such as a collar or microchip. and the average microchip costs roughly $40. in this situation, it's money well spent. we have a special announcement right now. abc television and disney are announcing monday as a day of giving, starting here on "gma." we're going to raise money for hurricane relief efforts with our entire abc team and celebrity guests. it's going to go on all day long. now, josh has the other top stories developing at this hour. josh? >> we're going to begin with new details about the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. u.s. intelligence officials have revealed a cia security team responded to the consulate after the attack, taking fewer than 25 minutes to arrive. however, they were less than a mile away.
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officials are denying media reports that the team was, in fact, ordered to hold off on responding. and the man accused of blowing up bombs at the home of police officers in virginia and at his ex-girlfriend's house has been captured after a nationwide manhunt. lawrence stewart was pulled over for speeding. he sped off, throwing bombs out the window at police as he went. some detonated. but no officers were hurt. the chase lasted some 40 miles before police were finally able to stop and arrest him. also this morning, the former president of penn state university has been charged in a cover-up in the jerry sandusky sexual abuse case. graham spanier is accused of lying to a jury, and child endangerment. his lawyers say the charges are politically-motivated. two other penn state officials are set to be arraigned today. much more in that case to get to. >> thanks, josh. let's get more weather from sam. >> good morning, everyone. we're going to start with the
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early morning windchills as the cold air comes in behind sandy. you're seeing windchills that are below the freezing mark. and we're feeling them in lower manhattan. the idea with the morning windchills, like philadelphia. 33 in buffalo. 34 in detroit. that cold air settles in to the east and the mid-atlantic. the extreme cold air in the great lakes. it's a cold and gusty weekend ahead. a quick look at where temperatures are very warm. we'll stay at record levels. 60s and 70s in the areas normally in the 80s today. that's some beautiful weather.
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much more on the storm coming up. we have new pictures right now of the stunning gas lines. look at that traffic. >> awful. plus, we have a great story to tell you. an amazing one of a mother down to her last dollar. how she claimed a $23 million jackpot at the last minute.
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and country music's biggest stars with an emotional tribute to the survivors of hurricane sandy. google, how much does the earth weigh? google voice response: earth has a mass of five point nine... ♪sleep on needles by sondre lerche
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just two aleve can keep pain away all day. hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's.
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i am megan pringle. >> i am charley crowson you may need a alternate route around large waterman breaks a 16 inch maine busted. 40 homes and businesses without water. and gillford elementary cool is
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closed. crews have been working to fix it we were live there for you. use charles street or 83 to get around construction. >> vacant homes are coming down. city crews are demolishing a block in the shiply hill neighborhood. mayor says the demo project is to eliminate blithe and stablize the community. >> time for a check of the forecast with lynette. >> you see let's check out what's going on in bel air where we are seeing clouds across the area. but you can see that we will have a few peeks of sunshine as we go throughout the day. we are going to be mainly dry and we are going to be chilly look at what we have right now. temperatures in at 38 degrees. and the cool weather will stick with us as we go throughout the day. we can see the wind and speed direction is going to be picking up from the west at about 5 to 10 miles an hour. and as you head out and about, don't forget the coat. you will need it. high temperatures right around 53 degrees. let's check the abc2 timesaver traffic with lauren cook. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. in addition to the water main break on york road at cold
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spring lane another one in havre de grace shutting down the westbound lanes at the hatem memorial bridge. 95 or 2 # 22 or route 1 instead. more problems on the beltway where there's an accident on the outer loop at peninsula expressway. checking in at parkville the west side of baltimore national pike outer loop slow from 79 to 40. now over to you. more news weather and traffic coming up in half-hour. >> we will see you then in the meantime, good morning america.
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this song's dedicated to new york and new jersey, all our friends on the east coast. >> jason aldean at the cma awards last night. one of the many emotional tributes, saluting survivors of sandy. we'll have all of the highlights from the hottest night in country last night. and you know they had a terrific shoutout to robin last night, as well. >> it was so nice. so many stars of the music world pulling together for the storm victims. bruce springsteen with a heart wrenching dedication of "city of ruins." and a different story this morning. a shocking crime. a father shot to death by his 10-year-old son. he's a neo-nazi. one of the questions, was the
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boy inspired by a fictional crime on a popular tv show? and how will that affect his case? nancy grace is here live to discuss it all. kristen stewart and robin pattinson talking for the first time after their split. is the romance back on track? a pressing question. and we aim to answer it. >> a question they'll be asked over and over. >> i'm sure they will answer. this is a great story. excited about this one. the mystery lottery winner. the california woman who lost the ticket in her car for months. now, she's coming forward to claim a $23 million jackpot, just in the nick of time. abc's nick watt has the story. >> reporter: these security camera photos show the $23 million winner leaving the store after she bought her ticket back in may. >> i remember, the lady walked in.
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she bought a bottle of water. she walked out. as soon as she got to the door, her mom called out, just buy a lottery ticket. >> reporter: lottery officials were hoping, praying someone would recognize her before it was too late. the mystery winner bought just one ticket. it cost her a single dollar. but if you don't claim your winnings within six months, the cash goes to the california school system. she had only until november 30th to come forward. local tv stations and newspapers were all over the tale of the mystery millionaire. then, late yesterday, a break. the woman's daughter spotted her mother on tv. mum had no idea she was the winner. cue a frantic search of her car for the five-month-old scrap of paper. and she found it. in 2010, $17.5 million went unclaimed in california alone. >> when you're not a lotto
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player, you don't know. you buy a lotto ticket and put it back in your pus, the bottom of the purse, it's gone. >> reporter: and this player was shocked to see himself on the news. >> what happened was, we're wanted. >> reporter: the lottery commission was trying to track him down. he won $52 million. and in a few hours, at her press conference, we'll all be asking this lucky winner, are you crazy? lottery 101, check your ticket. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, palmdale, california. >> thanks, nick watt. we're going to switch gears to the california boy on trial for murdering his neo-nazi father. just 10 when he shot his sleeping dad point-blank in the head. the boy told police he was influenced by what he saw on tv. and now, a judge is set to decide his fate. nancy grace is standing by to weigh in. first, here's abc's cecilia vega. >> reporter: it's one of
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television's top crime dramas. now, the show "criminal minds" is center stage in a real california courtroom. a 10-year-old boy accused of shooting his neo-nazi dad told police he thought he could get away with it because a child on "criminal minds" killed an abusive father and police never came. video of that confession played in court on wednesday. johns john asbury was right there. >> because he told the truth, the police let him go. >> reporter: that sounds like this is premeditated. >> that's certainly the prosecution's argument. >> reporter: prosecutors say the boy shot his father as he lay asleep on the couch. they say the boy wanted to stop him from leaving his stepmom. the father was jeff hall, head of the southern california chapter of the country's largest neo-nazi party. >> the whites have a voice, as well. >> reporter: the son's lawyers say the boy's abrasive, racist
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environment led him to kill. attending nazi rallies. even taken to the border, where his father taught him how to keep mexicans out of the united states. >> you see t-shirts, brown pride, hispanic pride. if you see a white male wearing a white pride t-shirt, then it's offensive. >> reporter: are we talking about a 10-year-old neo-nazi? >> he was certainly exposed to it. he was in the home during these meetings, these rallies. and he was certainly aware of what his father's beliefs were. >> reporter: the boy is now 12 years old. he's being tried as a juvenile. if found responsible, he will be in jail until he is 23. for "good morning america," cecilia vega, abc news, los angeles. i'm here with nancy grace. and this one is so difficult. the boy 12, now. as cecilia said. he is on trial. but this is all before a judge, no jury. >> also, it's in juvenile court. so, everything is different. there's a more relaxed standard.
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the judge is going to decide this all on his own. and i also think the judge has leeway to reduce the crime to voluntary or involuntary. if this kid goes to juvenile detention, he will be the youngest child in that state, california, to be in juvenile care. amazingly, you're going to be surprised, i don't think he should do this long behind bars because, true, he stabbed his kindergarten teacher on the first day of school with a pencil. he tried to strangle another teacher with a telephone cord. that's just the tip of the iceberg, george. but i don't think he understands what is happening. he thought his father would get well and they could make up. i think he's too young to be in the system. >> there's also some indication that his stepmother may have manipulated him. of course, he was in a very difficult home. how does that factor in? >> difficult? george, the night before, the father -- who, i don't care if he's in the peace and love movement, his father made a
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video the night before bragging he can shoot with a scope and night vision. that's a little rough. but the little sister came up with a story about the stepmother putting him up to doing it. and she later recanted that. he's too young for the system, bottom line. >> what should happen, then? >> i think he absolutely needs court supervision because he clearly is troubled. do you want to take him home? do you want to take care of him? i don't. >> i'm not sure i want to. >> the court has to have supervision for him. that's the bottom line. >> big night tomorrow night. >> can you believe it? i started writing it in 1997 when i moved to new york, to start a show on court tv, with johnnie cochran, god rest his soul. and it is a story compiled of a lot of different cases that i met when i was prosecuting. the star, haley dane, takes justice into her own hands. long story short, it airs tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp,
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eastern. >> that's right. >> on lifetime. >> good for you. congratulations. that's great. >> thank you. >> thanks for coming in this morning. let's go to sam for some more weather. >> good morning, again, everybody. let's look at pictures of the before and after. we've been doing this to start some of the weathers. and let's show you this. this is seaside heights before. and take a look at it after. you can see the power of the storm that's moved through so many coastal communities. but also, the destruction so far well inland. people without power and people without gas and in some cases, without food look at the wind forecast in the northeast. and you see the brutal cold air that blows in, the pure canadian air blows in over the weekend, is a fresh shot of cooler temperatures. that means folks need to bundle up and get ready for that. but it's a three-day warmer trend into the southwest. a summer-like weekend. vegas going up to 80 degrees. los angeles going from the 70s today, with that coastal fog, to 85 degrees by the time we get a
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couple days away. a cold blast of air from the great lakes and moves east. >> and we are live in a gusty, chilly lower manhattan today, with more cold air to follow. let's go back to times square. >> thank you, sam. coming up, music stars coming out for the survivors of sandy. with no added sugar, just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very fruit-tritious. or, try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry-pomegranate and cranberry- concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle.
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all right. we are back, now, at 7:43, with highlights from the biggest night of the year in country music. huge cheers there for blake shelton and wife, miranda lambert, winning an arm full of awards. big, big night for them. and so many of the stars paying tribute to the victims of hurricane sandy. take a look. >> next song is dedicated to new york, new jersey, all our friends out there on the east coast. >> reporter: nashville opened up its heart last night, at the 46th annual cma awards. >> to everyone on the east coast, coping with so much tonight, we want you to know that we love you. >> reporter: country music's
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biggest stars. ♪ came out in force. ♪ let's hear it for new york concrete jungle ♪ ♪ where dreams are made of >> reporter: tipping their cowboy hat in solidarity, with those suffering from this week's storm. the cma awards also celebrated the industry's best. >> little big town, "pontoon." >> "chief," eric church. >> reporter: and had a little fun. five-time host, carrie underwood and brad paisley. >> are they ever getting back together? >> never. >> never, ever? >> like, never. >> reporter: and breaking it down "gangnam style." and delivering a heartfelt shoutout to robin. >> robin is at home. she's recovering from a bone marrow transplant. we look so forward to seeing her
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back at the cmas, where she belongs, next year. >> reporter: two of the night's biggest winners, husband and wife crooners, blake shelton and miranda lambert. a shock, shelton was called back to the stage for the night's biggest award, entertainer of the year. >> i don't know how this happened. i freakin' love it. >> reporter: but it was this tribute to willie nelson -- ♪ whisky river take my mind >> reporter: that stole the show. ♪ with a good timing man >> reporter: the living legend, presented with the cma lifetime achievement award. ♪ i can't wait to get on the road again ♪ >> nonstop entertainment. great to see. and great to see our girl, robin. coming up, everybody. we have josh and "the play of the day." so nice to hear that. what else? kristen stewart and robert
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pattinson, their first interview together after their split this summer. we'll tell you what they say coming up on "good morning america."
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hershey's drops. a lot of hershey's happiness in little drops of milk chocolate. and cookies n creme. pure hershey's.
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♪ come on, ris up come on, rise up ♪ a lovely tribute we saw at the cmas. but we saw at the top of the show, bruce springsteen, jersey son, native-born. an emotional tribute to his home state after sandy left so much of his beloved shore underwater. take a look and listen. >> i'm a rock 'n' roll man of the jersey shore. and tonight, we carry a load of sadness in our hearts. it will flourish and risen up back to life.
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>> the emotion pouring from bruce. he is a preacher in concert. we'll look at his rendition of his song, "my city in ruins." ♪ come on, rise up come on, rise up ♪ ♪ come on, rise up come on, rise up ♪ ♪ come on, rise up come on, rise up ♪ ♪ come on, rise up >> no one better to lead that ride than bruce springsteen.
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how does it feel to try smooth, delicious hershey's chocolate with 30% less fat? new hershey's simple pleasures chocolate. 30% less fat, 100% delicious. well, inside the brewer, there's a giant staircase. and the room is filled with all these different kinds of coffee. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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till you finish your vegetables. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8. or...try kids boxes! [ male announcer ] it's time for medicare open enrollment. are you ready? time to compare plans and see what's new. you don't have to make changes, but it's good to look. maybe you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. ♪ medicare open enrollment. now's the time.
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visit or call 1-800-medicare. ♪ introducing a revolutionary new mascara. clump crusher...crusher. 200% more volume. zero clumps. new clump crusher from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. people and companies who take us places. excite our imagination. make life better. brighten our days. ♪ at jcp, we don't want to be another store. we want to be your favorite store. we're creating a whole new way to shop for the brands you love. at values you can believe in. jcp has a bold new look that will look even better on you. ♪
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and a good morning to you. thanksthanksthanks for joining us. one of the top stories we're working on, it's the last day you can vote early. if you plan on doing it, be patient. people have told us they've waited in line up to four hours and thousands of voters have taken their chance to cast their ballot before election day. you can head to to find the closest area near you. a few reverends and by shops are expected to attend a
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news conference. the chamber of maryland marriage alliance is planning to be there. let's send things over to lynnette charges. >> sandy is pushing remnants around. we're seeing things in west virginia. we may see an isolated stray shower as we go throughout the day. we'll get a few peeks of sunshine here. this will be the pattern. sun-cloud mix throughout the day. here is what we can expect. 50 degrees this afternoon. it's going to be chilly and breezy. let's get a check on traffic. we're dealing with two water main breaks. one is at route 40. use route 222, 95, or route 1. the second break is in on cold spring lane. only one northbound lane getting by.
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use charles spring or 83. parkville, 25 extra minutes to travel the outer lo from 95 up to 83. megan and charlie, over to you. >> thanks for joining us. we're going to send you back to good morning america. >> see you in 30 minutes. it's oysternomics 101. you start with a u.s. senator named ben. by helping restore thousands of acres of oyster beds, he kept hundreds of oystermen on the job... which keeps wholesalers in business...
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and that means more delivery companies... making deliveries to more restaurants... which hire more workers. and that means more oystermen. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approved this message. music: guitar, clapping and multivitamin coming in. on it chief! look alive people! smooth and steady guys. everything on schedule down here? yep, pretty regular. nice job. keep it strong. thanks. onward and upward! vo: launch your day. ...with the multivitamin made with 26 fruits and vegetables plus extra b-vitamins... ...for energy. alive. start feeling it.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's a new day it's a new day ♪ and that is a perfect song for this friday morning. alicia keys' "new day." a lot in times square are hoping for that many this morning. and we are missing robin, hoping for that new day for her. she is at home getting strong. great to have amy robach here. >> thanks very much. and so many of us have closets full of clothes we're not wearing. you can turn that into cold, hard cash. we have people doing that right now, like sam. >> not yet. >> that's your weather piece
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here, i love so much. we'll talk about that coming up. first, other hollywood news. kristen stewart and robert pattinson's romance, is it really back on track, we asked? they gave their first interview since they broke up and the reported union. >> me and robert are like this. >> can't wait for that sam news. lots more to get to. the special announcement, again, about our day of giving. our hearts going out to the millions and millions of people hit so hard by the destruction of hurricane sandy. the devastating aftermath and that long road to recovery that will begin right now. >> and our abc television family and disney are designating monday to raise moneyor the hurricane relief, starting right here on "gma" and lasting all day long. our entire abc family team, from our family to your family and surprise celebrity guests
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joining us for that. that's going to be a big, big, big thing. we'll start with news, and josh. >> we'll begin right here in new york and in new jersey. people, once again, backing up for miles, waiting for gas because of shortages in the wake of hurricane sandy. police now on guard at some stations. one man actually arrested for cutting the line and then pointing a gun at another driver. things are getting awfully bad out there. the death toll from the storm is now approaching 100. 4 million customers remain without power, many are being told it could be more than a week before it returns. tough news, temperatures across the region are dropping. and those who are without power include people in lower manhattan. these are the scenes we're starting to see, with increasing regularity. some desperate, combing through dumpsters, as you can see here, for scraps of food. and abc's linsey davis is in
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far rockaway, new york, right now. the scene there getting more desperate by the hour. linsey, once again, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you again, josh. we were here yesterday as night fell. and we saw families getting separated because parents didn't want their kids to spend another night in the dark and cold. we were here with this family down the street as they just got a generator. they were happy to have light and a hot shower again. look at this car pinned in by a big chunk of the boardwalk. over my shoulder here, that van has been stuck there since overnight. in the building there, a number of elderly people trapped inside. there's no elevator. people are concerned about them getting medical attention. and the big sentiment is we keep hearing people ask, where is fema? josh? >> playing out in so many areas. linsey davis, thank you for that. we here at abc, and our parent company, disney, are
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reaching out to people across america to help the victims. and our ceo, bob iger, kicking off the efforts, with a $2 million donation. >> we're doing everything we can, with the cash donation, and encouraging our employs to donate on their own, which we will match dollar for dollar. and the media networks, abc, espn, the disney channel and our stations, to run public service announcements encouraging others to donate. >> as we mentioned, monday we will launch a day of giving across all abc programs, in full. we do hope you join us at some point for that. again, that will be monday, starting right here on "good morning america." also, the final government jobs report before election day, out this morning. analysts say that hiring improved slightly last month. but likely not enough to impact the unemployment rate. meanwhile, on the campaign trail, mitt romney, once again, attacking president obama, for not doing enough to grow the economy. the president says that romney's
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ideas are the same ones that brought on the financial crisis. and finally, well, first, it was a beluga whale. now, scientists say they've found, wait for it, an elephant, living in south korea, that can imitate human speech. listen for yourself. >> okay. you think korean. but that is the word for good. the elephant speaks, as you can see, tucking his trunk inside his mouth. i'm told he can say hello, no, sit down and lie down. scientists think he may have learned this to bond with his keeper. i can already tell you, george stephanopoulos is consciously objecting. >> i was laughing at the little signs underneath. elephant learns to talk.
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i don't think so. but it is imitating human speech. >> it makes me think of noc. >> you had to. >> why do we have to go to noc? let's have a moment of silence for noc. >> the elephant is still with us. >> it's a wonderful story. don't be so pessimistic. >> i'm not pessimistic. i'm happy with the elephant. let's move on. josh, thank you so much for that. >> thank you. >> of course. i figured i should just get to it. i knew you were thinking it. why not? we begin "pop news" with a really wonderful honor and so well deserved for our robin. she has been named "ebony" magazine power 100 list. it's a list of the most influential african-americans. the magazine citing robin for her interview with president obama, when he said he supports same-sex marriage. and it cites the attention she has brought to bone marrow donations during her fight against mds.
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as robin says, making her mess, her message. great news. no word on a wedding date. but angelina jolie has reportedly picked the designer for the dress she will wear to marry brad pitt. huge sigh of relief from sam and josh. a british fashion magazine says angelina is going with laurent scott. the magazine said, she wanted someone not so obvious. and she says that lauren is the one that understands her body the most. scott may the known as mick jacker's girlfriend. but she's dressed jolie and other a-listers for major events. beautiful clothing. we'll keep our eyes out for the dates. >> keep your ears out. you're going to like this one, too. hey, darth vader, you tried to destroy the republic and turned out to be luke's father. so, what are you doing next? he's going to disneyland, of course. youtube is going crazy over this
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video, lord vader crashing the happiest place on earth, not that you could tell through his mask. but it happened presumably right after he found out he was a member of the disney family. our parent company disney announcing they bought lucasfilm earlier this week. we thought it was great. so do millions of people who have looked at it on the web. finally, it's sheer pandemonium in china. there's a panda baby boom going on. the world's largest panda reserve, showing off, not one, not two but seven newborns, all born between july and september. they are adorable and very sleepy. >> and they lie the same way. >> endangered. only about 1,600 of them left. this is truly great news. a lot of happy news i think we could use. >> america just got cavities in
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the eyes. >> cavities in the eyes. that's all i got. >> that was enough. that was a lot. it's friday, by the way. let's do a little weather, why don't we? and everything else you have going on right now, one thing you need to remember, this is clock weekend. spring forward, fall back. so, change your clocks back one hour. >> we get an extra hour of sleep. >> it's a good thing. >> extra sleep. in comes to the northeast, another storm system. it's been a rainy time period here. this is the time of year you pick up the storms. this is good news for the northwest because it was so dry over the summer. nice, gorgeous day in l.a., after the morning fog. 74 degrees in vegas today. waco, about 85. lovely tampa, all the way to miami, gorgeous. 78 here. 80 degrees. and that cold air -- i don't know. but that cold air is working in, back from the great lakes, to the northeast, as well. something to be prepared for this weekend. fallback
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controversy on the desk. most people really like it. amy does not. >> you're prone to darkness for months. >> amy, you can stick on your schedule. you can stay on central time. >> all right. i'll get up an hour later. >> more weather in the next half hour, as we sort this all out. lara? >> we'll get to the bottom of it. first, our "gma morning menu." here's a look at what's coming up.
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are they back together? kristen stewart and robert pattinson in their first interview together since the split. we'll hear from them. plus, cashing in on your closet. how you can turn your old clothes into money. and sarah silverman here to talk about her new animated movie. we can't wait to see it. all, live, on "good morning america." >> "good morning america." how you doing? alright, alright. now this is a party. what is that? go, go, go. mmm. give me some of that sauce. i don't know, i think i might bail. yeah, it's pretty dead. [ male announcer ] one is never enough. new kfc dip'ems.
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freshly prepared tenders dipped in irresistible sauces. this is it. now this is a party. [ male announcer ] try a 20 pc bucket with 6 sauces. today tastes so good. [ male announcer ] try a 20 pc bucket with 6 sauces. whatever it takes, get to sears "one day sale" this saturday, with friday preview. coats for her just $19.99. all diehard work boots for $39.99. and up to 50% of all tool storage. this is how to gift. this is sears.
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because it helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston.
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nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good.
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everyone, bundled up in times square this morning. a little chilly here in new york. that's a happy crowd. we're back with big news for "twilight" fans. robert pattinson and kristen stewart giving their first interview together thursday night, since all of the news since their breakup and reunion. but are they back together? paula faris takes a look at what the stars didn't say, but their body language did. >> reporter: hollywood's most public breakup, became the most awkward television reunion. >> every movie culminates with some kiss of some kind. >> reporter: on-screen co-stars and former real-life couple, along with taylor lautner, sat down with "entertainment tonight" and mtv, promoting their latest film. and talked about their on-screen love scenes. >> the worst was when he was like, we want to be inside of the experience.
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for your close-up, you're not going to be looking at rob. you're going to be looking into the lens. >> there's no way it's going to look mind-blowing or even vaguely attractive. >> reporter: in their first press appearance together, since stewart issued a public statement in july, admitting she cheated on pattinson, caught on camera, kissing director rupert sanders. >> what's the biggest difference of doing this last film compared to this one? >> i felt more free in the first one. >> reporter: for the most part, the pair ducked questions about their relationship, until they were asked about this. an apparent date together on halloween. >> we have a photo of you guys. >> oh, yeah. i look awesome. >> reporter: we asked body language expert, dr. lillian glass, to watch the video for clues about their relationship. >> she can't come up with a straight answer.
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>> my favorite scene in the second part of "breaking dawn," is probably when he takes his clothes off in front of my father. >> she was rocking her body back and forth. playing with her hair. crossing her body. she did not want to be there. >> reporter: the couple are reportedly an item again. and while neither side will comment about the status of their relationship, there's no denying their on-screen chemistry in this trailer. >> you guys really look great together. >> reporter: for "good morning america," paula faris, abc news, new york. >> what do you all think? weigh in on let's go to lara. >> thank you. if you have a closet full of stuff you're not wearing, we may have a way to turn all those clothes into cash. there's a website called the founder is here to show audience members how much they can make. sound money. but first, abc's abbie boudreau has a look at how to cash in on
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your clothes. >> reporter: we all have clothes we grow tired of. and fashion sometimes gets ahead of us. but there's a new tool with an app, of course, to hold your own rummage sale with a few taps on your computer or smartphone. ebay and amazon have a new neighbor on the block. rebecca jonah, attorney, entrepreneur and mother of two, showed us what she was planning to sell on her next visit to the site. >> time to move on and give it to someone who can enjoy it. this, you'll get $100 for. this one, another $100 to $120. and this top is worth $50 to $75. >> reporter: that's $300 for stuff she wasn't going to wear again. next, college student and fashionista in raining, lauren mackie, has pulled out her old
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outfit, ready to sell. like the dress she wore only once. we all have one of those. and what about the blouse that jumps off the hanger. emptying her closet will bring her $500. that's a lot of textbooks. meet elyse clark, a personal assistant who knows her clothes. she keeps updating and staying fashionable. elyse has figured out a way to make a profit. >> this shirt. >> beautiful. >> i think i got it for $30 out of a gift shop. and i could sell it and make a profit. >> reporter: you're going to sell your closet? >> probably most of it. >> reporter: her wardrobe clearout, a what happening $12,000. we thought we would find a woman who didn't know about tracy or our story. and would do a closet cash
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ambush. meet sade, an executive. >> i bought them with the idea i could wear them again. >> items like these that are very fancy and you don't get a lot of use out of, are great for resale. >> reporter: sade's payday, $1,200, not bad. >> our booth has been busy. and tracy is here. you had a closet full of stuff you weren't really wearing. we all need money in these tough times. and some of our audience members have brought in their things. let's start with vicki sullivan. and found money for you. >> vicki brought in a very fashionable gold purse, a beautiful designer scarf. and the total of two items is $130. >> $130 of found money. that's fantastic. money you can use for a lot of
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things. a lot of people could really use the money right now. i want to talk about nell. you brought in fancy designers like diane von furstenberg and gucci. fill us in. found money? >> found money. $260 on three items for nell, our fancy girl. >> can you hold up the dress for $60? i'm sure it was worth more when you bought it. but if you're not wearing it, that's a lot of money. if you go to, you can find terrific things. and kind of everybody wins. i want to show an example. we have a model in some of your wares. talk to us about this. >> this is one of our best customers here, lindsay. she bought this j. crew coat for $40. she's wearing a zahra top, top shop pants and jessica simpson shoes. and the entire outfit cost her
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$95 on tracy. it's a $500 outfit in retail. >> we love finding money for our viewers and also find great deals. win-win, tracy. we thank you so much. for more tips, seven of them to get the most money for your clothes in your closet, go to on yahoo! amy, sounds pretty good, right? >> it sounds great, lara. we're right next to you. you can do face yoga with us. now to our latest wrinkle rehab report. the all-natural face-lift thanks to yoga for your face. it gives you a glow inside and out. abc's bianna golodryga is here to explain and show us. >> reporter: we're going to show you later. but this is a rising exercise and practice we're seeing. you don't need a mat for this kind of yoga. experts say just like traditional yoga, face yoga can improve your appearance and get rid of your wrinkles, as long as you don't mind looking a little funny while you do it. the world of yoga keeps
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stretching to new extremes. there's aerial yoga, hot yoga, even karaoke yoga. ♪ sweet caroline >> reporter: but facial yoga? that's right. no more downward dogr warrior poses. it's all about the lion face, the bumblebee and the marilyn. yes, that is me with my best lion face. but i'll save the embarrassment for later. it's the latest craze into getting a youthful glow, yoga for the face. designed to be a natural, noninvasive alternative to the botox, fillers and plastic surgery americans spend tens of millions of dollars on every year. >> what are you doing? >> reporter: even "the real housewives of new york" traded in the needle and scalpel for the smiling fish face. this do-it-yourself age-defying
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technique, involving facial expression, is the brainchild of ann hagen, who wrote a book on the ultimate natural face-lift. there's a technique to the yoga face? >> definitely. if you just made weird faces randomly, you would get more wrinkles. we're trying not to do that. we're trying to tone and lift the muscles of the face. >> reporter: dr. neil sadick, recommends facial yoga for his patients. >> by stimulating any component of your face like the muscles, you'll have an overall effect. >> reporter: janet is a yoga and pilates instructor who is offering it in new york because she says demand forhis natural lift has exploded. >> maybe a little more lift in the eye. and you have fun, make a lot of funny faces. >> reporter: wrinkle-fighter and a good time? i had to find out for myself.
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what was surprising was how easy it was for the group to let the gourd down. the fish face, for your cheeks and lips. the bumblebee. and my personal favorite, the lion face, supposed to stretch all facial muscles ands release tension. kind of fun. and face yogis keep coming back for more. i have no shame. i think i lost any bit of contribute i had. especially on job report day. i want to demonstrate to you. >> you want to share. >> reporter: you're going to embarrass -- let's do the lion face. it reduces tension. it stimulates muscles. >> we all can use that. >> reporter: and promotes collagen growth. squish up your face.
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and then go -- >> come on, do it. oh, my gosh. moving on. >> reporter: i'm out. >> she's out? all right. thank you, bianna. don't we look so much younger? coming up, sarah silverman is here. she's going to be talking about her brand-new animated role in "reck it ralph." these are about video game characters that are running wild. my kids will be running to the movie theaters. but where are josh, sam and lara? where did they go? >> can anyone in the control room see this?
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i they started walking in san francisco in march and stopping in cities along the way. it's the dream uabout on november 1. a man died after shoveling snow. authorities say that the elderly victim died after natural causes. that part of the state saw two feet of snow. time for a check of the forecast. >> you can see that counter lp
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clock spin. that's sandy pulling away from us but the clouds trying to roll in and a sprinkle. let me show you what this looks like. remember how i was saying that we would get some sun and clouds throw the day? we have some clouds out there and then some peaks of sun shine trying to roll into the area. that's like the rest of the day. it's cold outside, so be s7 prepared for that. temperatures coming in at 53 this afternoon. now, you may want to use 95 in stead because of a water break. if you're p,traveling on i-95 downtown watch for a crash. it's going to take you 13 extra minutes on that outer loop;
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okay. time to go back to new york. news and weather is again in a half hour.
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[ cheers and applause ] billy ray cyrus. big finish there for billy ray cyrus. his new album is getting rave reviews. he's going to sing for us, live,
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just ahead. we're going to be talking about one of the things coming up, we want to mention sarah silverman. >> right there. >> she is the star of t brand-new animated movie "wreck-it ralph." a movie of video game characters. we're very excited about that. there's stuff going on behind me that frightens me. we have the real game in times square. you can play at home by downloading the "wreck-it ralph" app. if you play, we're going to reveal -- if you think you've got it. we're going to reveal the top scores of our viewers. >> i want a game called say it sam. sandy got in the way of halloween for millions of kids across the eastern seaboard. we're going to celebrate a couple of days late. we have the treats and some tricks. >> really nice to see those kids who missed the big day. we're celebrating this morning. we're also celebrating someone
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very special. our sam champion is now considered the hottest -- i mean hot. the hottest, sexiest meteorologist in the country. voted on andy cohen's show on bravo. you beat out the other major meteorologists in the biz. congratulations. >> congratulations. he's been all over the city covering sandy. he didn't sleep. he took a short break to get to the new york stock exchange yesterday. >> and never stopped looking sexy. >> we saw phil evans, lee goldberg. >> and sam ready for extreme weather in his jacket, at all times. >> i do want to say, in all seriousness, a remarkable job, my friend, all week long. >> in all seriousness, when i'm wearing a crown. >> in all seriousness, i want to say that, sam. now, you're recrowned. you're recrowned, you hottie. >> george, will you save him, please? >> congratulations, sam. i'm over here with sara
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silverman, from "wreck-it ralph." i guess you guys become friends. it didn't start out so well. we're going to show when you met. >> i wouldn't grab that bench if i were you. >> i'm from tree apartments. >> it's double stripes. double stripes break. why are your hands so freakishly big? >> i don't know. why are you so freakishly annoying. >> and now, sara silverman. that looks like a lot of fun. >> it was. yeah. it's a disney movie. it's awesome. they spend years honing it and crafting it. >> and you get to bring it to life. in this movie, vanelope is a glitch. >> she is from a racing game.
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she wants to race but they won't let her. and she is on the similar path of the loners that want to be heros in their lives. >> ralph has been wrecking buildings for years and years. but he just wants to be a good guy. >> yeah. is that so bad? we meet and we realize we're kind of the same in that way. i think it's great because it makes you realize that sometimes your biggest glitch in life, the things that you think will be your most embarrassing downfall, you know, if you let it, can be your superpower. >> i cannot wait for -- i can't wait ttake my girls to see it. i was wondering about making it. a lot of times the animated movies, you're alone in the booth. but this one, you got to work together and play it out. >> my scenes are with dempsey and riley. we got to record and look in each other's eyes and improvise. and go on crazy digressions. and they really encouraged that.
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it was so fun. and i think there's kind of subtle nuances stuck between us you wouldn't get if you were alone in a booth. >> we see you acting out. you weren't just talking there. >> yeah, it's just our voice. but when you're talking on the phone, you're pacing around, moving your arms. you're not like this because all they hear is your voice. you're emoting. >> this kids thing is new for you. you have a new kids' app coming out. >> it's such a coincidence. it's like coming out at the same time. all my friends have kids now. and i have so much kids material. also, some stolen from my dad. and i can make an app. it's let me baby sit your kids on your iphone or ipad. it's called uncle sarah. and it will be out next week. >> looking forward to that. sarah silverman. looking for "wreck-it ralph" in theaters today. let's get the weather from
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sam. >> good morning, everybody, again. sarah, thanks for being here. i love her voice. don't you just love the way she sounds? crowd in times square. signs out everywhere. >> lee's summit, missouri. >> your name? >> marlene. >> what's your name? >> julie. >> what's your sign say? >> ohio. >> it does. and a little drawing. i'm assuming it's the state of ohio. it looks rather familiar. let's get to the boards. here's some things going on this morning, one or two things we like to show you every day. we'll start with the facebook and twitter pictures. first one from washington. next one from wisconsin. gorgeous skies. it's nice to see the pictures. we retweet them when you send them in. in the midwest, comes a secondary shot of cold air. it reaffirms that it's a little chilly for this time of year. it swings from the great lakes into the northeast and the
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mid-atlantic. there's cold nights ahead, ladies and gentlemen. if you need to pack up and get extra gear and figure out a way to stay warm, we're giving you advanced notice this morning. and check on the folks you know that are going through the days without power. and make sure they have all the supplies they need to stay warm over the next couple of nights, would you? >> look at this crowd in times square, ladies and gentlemen. just look at this crowd hanging out with us in new york, as everybody starts to get back to normal. i'm not taking the crowd. all that weather was brought to us by sargento. >> you should come inside. you'll be at home with the amazing costumes and kids.
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we're celebrating halloween a couple days late. sandy keeping so many kids inside instead of out trick or treating. we wanted to do a little something for these kids that live in a town that was hit hard, in westchester. thank you all for coming. happy halloween to you all. i want to ask, what's your name? >> claire. >> you look great. >> thank you. >> how did you feel when you heard halloween was canceled? >> i was sad. >> you were? and how did you get through the day? >> well, it was my sister's birthday. so, it was kind of upsetting for her. and it was upsetting for me, too. >> yeah. the storm hit your area pretty hard, right? was that scary? >> yeah. it was a little scary. >> was it as scary as this guy, the hot dog? >> not really. >> who wants to see lara? >> no, no. you don't need to do that. what we can do, really? what we can do, we have candy. help yourself to the candy, everybody. we're going to hit the big eye
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balls. they're pinatas. you can take a crack at it. and get ready to come and grab . everybody deserves -- >> halloween. here we go. >> josh, you're at the helm. i can't see. >> what am i supposed to do? >> help them. >> take a whack. a swing. as hard as you can. come on. >> get ready for candy. get in there, josh. grab the candy. can you get a shot over here? is it possible? we'll show these great cupcakes. these were baked by melissa. 1,000 cupcakes for the kids. we're going to share them also with other children in need. thank you so much, baked by melissa. happy halloween. if you missed halloween, in our hearts, we're wishing you the
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best. and we'll be right back. coming up, we're going to talk to the legendary director behind denzel washington's new thriller called "flight." stay with us. and happy belated halloween. [ man ] i got it when i uploaded a gigabyte of photos. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios there comes a moment when they get it. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just 84.99 a month for a year, our best price online... with no annual contract. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... internet ranked the fastest in the nation... and fios doesn't cap your internet usage, so you can upload and download as much as you want...
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welcome back, everyone. academy award-winning director, robert zemeckis is taking viewers for a wild ride. and now, he's back with a real thriller, starring denzel washington. take a look. >> this is flight 227. we're in an uncontrolled dive. >> reporter: after more than a decade, "flight" marks the return for live-action filmmaking for academy award-winner, robert zemeckis. best-known for "back to the future" and "forrest gump." why did you make us wait so long? >> they weren't as compelling as this one came along. >> reporter: what came along is an action thriller starring denzel washington. >> it's making a movie that's complex and an adult drama, in
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today's world, you have to do it for very little money. we made it for like $30 million. >> i'm in awe of what you did. >> reporter: you have denzel and don cheadle. what was it like directing them? >> i can't say enough about this cast. it was great to watch everybody work because everybody was so good. >> reporter: so good. zemeckis and his stars are now being mentioned for hollywood's top honors. oscar buzz? how does that feel? >> i think denzel, this is an oscar-winning performance if i ever saw one. >> reporter: washington plays a pilot who keeps an out-of-control plane from crashing. but he is in trouble when supervisors find he has alcohol in his system. this is not a movie with heroes and villains. it has complexities. >> it has ambiguity and complex characters. >> reporter: zemeckis is a pilot. he says it gives him a unique perspective on the story.
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have you had a close call as a pilot? >> i had to make an emergency landing once. i lost engine power on takeoff. i was glad to see every emergency vehicle at the airport, descending on the runway. but i was able to land the plane without incident. >> reporter: and you were calm? >> i was calm. i remember talking to the guys at the tour afterwards. and i said, i didn't declare an emergency. they said, that's okay. we heard it in your voice. >> reporter: you weren't as calm as you thought you were. >> i don't think i was. no. >> there's nothing calm about that scene, the opening of this movie. "flight" opens today. looking forward to that. coming up, billy ray cyrus i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office. [ man ] i got it when i uploaded a gigabyte of photos. i literally wanted to say "did you see that?" [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment.
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we're back, now, with country superstar and actor, billy ray cyrus. he has a new album out. it's called "change my mind." he's going to drop something live in a moment. and making his broadway debut. we're happy to have you with us, billy ray. "change my mind" is the first album in some years. but the critics are loving this. is it a return to your roots, at least to a degree? >> it's definitely a return to the roots. first i want to say, first and foremost, it was great that you had the trick-or-treaters here. to see them smiling and the laughter. i also want to say, the city of new york, the state of new jersey, the resiliency, the people are coming back. it's amazing the spirit of the people and this city and the surrounding area, is just tremendous.
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it's been amazing to see that and be a part of it. and i'd like to thank bob iger and the folks at abc and disney, for this monday, a day of giving. i think that's a tremendous idea. and look forward to being a part of that. >> it's going to be a great monday. we appreciate your participation. quickly, chicago, you're going to be on the boards on broadway. what is it like, stepping into that roll? >> it's been interesting. i came here prepared to be billy flynn. sandy came in and roughed all of our worlds. and they said, hey, the show must go on. that's what broadway is about. it gives people a chance to come out and celebrate the music and the art and the theater. i'm honored to be a part of it. and anxious to get serious about billy flynn. the cast of "chicago" is amazing. really excited about it. >> the lights were briefly dim. it's a song he says is a party waiting to happen.
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billy ray cyrus with the gang, and the first single off the latest album. it is "change my mind. >> one, two, three four. ♪ i've talking to myself ♪ thinking about changing my mind i've been talking to myself ♪ ♪ thought i put your memory high upon the shelf ♪ ♪ well, you know i said i'd forget you ♪ ♪ you go away in time but lately i've been thinking
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and i'm thinking ♪ ♪ about changing my mind change my mind ♪ ♪ woo, woo, woo change my mind ♪ ♪ change my mind ♪ woo, woo, woo ♪ well, i said that i love you and then, i said good-bye ♪ ♪ i know i made you happy and then, i made you cry ♪ ♪ if i promised you forever then, i told you a lie ♪ ♪ but lately, i've been thinking
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and i'm thinking about ♪ ♪ changing my mind change my mind ♪ ♪ woo, woo, woo change my mind ♪ ♪ woo, woo, woo ♪ change my mind ♪ thinking about changing my mind ♪ ♪ i've been talking to myself thought i put your memory ♪
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♪ high upon a shelf ♪ well you know i said i'd forget you ♪ ♪ and you'd go away in time but lately, i've been thinking ♪ ♪ and i'm thinking about changing my mind ♪ ♪ change my mind woo, woo, woo ♪ ♪ change my mind oh, yeah ♪ ♪ oh, change my mind [ cheers and applause ]
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chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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thank you to billy ray cyrus. tune into our day of giving on monday. and have a great weekend. good morning.
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thousands of people in maryland are waking up with no power this morning. they're reporting that up to 3200 outages still. check your refrigerator. organic spinach and spring mix salad is being recalled, covering five and 11-ounce packages sold between october 14 and thursday. if you have it you should throw it out and get a full refund. you guys, we're still watching what's going on out there. satellite and radar shows remnants of sandy well to the north, and sprinkles are trying to move through. we'll get into more sunshine as we move through the day. still dealing with snow back in west virginia. baltimore this morning, this is
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what it looks like. people also dealing with temperatures that are cold, 44 degrees right now. the temperature coming in at 53 degrees. let's check the traffic. we're dealing with two water main breaks. it's shut down the westbound lanes at the hayden memorial bridge. you'll want to use 95 or route 1 instead. the second break is in north baltimore at north road at cold spring. if you'll traveling on 695, this is what it looks like in parkville. a nine minute delay there up to 93. the doctors is up next. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you monday.
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